Archives for category: Other Places Online


Do you go out secretly hoping the Sartorialist is circling your block? I know I do. But the truth is Boston usually gets hmmm-ed over when people talk about style. I’m convinced it’s because we are academics and readers are tooo sexy for those stylists.

But anyway. Boston has a new street style photographer blogger! Her name is Krista and I met her at the SOWA Market on Saturday. Incidentally, the Sowa market was incredibly popular and hot. I think I bought three different drinks in the span of forty-five minutes.

I’m wearing a skirt from Zara. It is hard to say which elicits more random compliments: the skirt or the sandals. Big plus to the skirt, as my friend says, “it gives you breezes.” Meaning on a hot day you feel rewarded for wearing it. I can’t find the exact one but here are two that look just like it.

Good luck Krista! I believe in your mission.

Whatever is going on over at the Paris Review, it’s working like my new Macbook air. Super slickly sexy in a way that makes me wonder if I have enough in me to keep up with it, no cords attached, with barely a mutter of effort to show that it is hard at work.

My favorite feature on the blog is the Cultural Diaries because I like to examine minutia of the cultural lives of strangers. But even the web design is snappy, not to mention how much you want to pick up and page through recent issues when you pass them in the library. And the editor-in-chief Lorin sounds shockingly cool, if not obnoxiously like how you imaged yourself at age forty.

I don’t follow him, but I do follow Thessaly La Force, their web editor, on Twitter, and would recommend her literary daily doses as well. They will make you feel like you walk to work on the streets of New York.

Drawing by William Pène du Bois from the Paris Review website footer, and their very first issue.

why am I not spending every spare moment learning to make art like this? by Maricor/Maricar

those are Paul Simon lyrics. He has a new album you can stream for free. Some songs sound like Graceland, and are so fun and cheerful, and a few are a little blue and too slow for 50+ degree weather.

download: a color splotched desktop

a recipe: bourbon and butterscotch pie, with graham cracker crust

an easy combo: just an avocado, with shallot red wine vinagarette (I can’t seem to eat enough of those guys these days)

photo: I love it when the Sartorialist posts pictures of his girlfriend (& he’s coming to Boston!)